Want to know how entrepreneurs do it all?

..They don’t. 

they hire me (or someone like me!) to execute on the behind-the-scenes digital marketing “stuff” that makes their business go ‘round!


What I do

i work with entrepreneurs to develop a custom marketing strategy using visual branding, social media, email campaigns, and content marketing to grow their business.



  • develop your social media strategy

  • run your social media channels

  • create content through high quality photography

  • grow your business

  • execute influencer campaigns



Erika Peterson

founder, clean simple eats

“Before Shanley came on with us, I felt like I was drowning. She has quite literally given me my life back with the gift of time! She started working with us answering direct messages on Instagram and within a year was running my Instagram strategy (on two accounts for two separate businesses), negotiating my brand deals, running our affiliate programs, doing most of the photography for our nut butter company among SO MANY other things. Working with her has taken so much off my plate, at this point I couldn’t live without her! She is smart, reliable, proactive and a complete joy to work with.”


Sarah Crawford

ceo, broma bakery & foodtography school

“Shanley is the creative genius behind Foodtography School. She cultivates our stunning Instagram (that she grew from 0-100k followers in less than a year!), created our website, plans all of our retreats, and quite literally co-creates our courses with me. She’s one of those magnetic people you want to be around all the time, and her creativity is only surpassed by her acute intuition that I can always trust. Shanley is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all things online marketing, and I just love that we can geek out for hours on social media as a business strategy. One of the best business decisions I’ve ever made was hiring Shanley!”

candice simmons

founder of j’adore detroit & brooklyn outdoor

“Shanley curated the content for our blog and ran social media for my two businesses, j’adore Detroit & Brooklyn Outdoor. She is super organized, takes amazing photos and her creativity is unmatched! She grew our Instagram by 30% in one year, netting us more leads and collab deals for both of my businesses. Her authenticity and energy is truly unstoppable!”


Let me let you in on a little secret...

All great entrepreneurs have a great team behind them. Maybe you’re not quite sure who you need to hire or even where to start.

That’s where I come in. I’m a strategic go-getter. I’m committed to growing this business with YOU. I’m constantly thinking of new ways you can better serve your audience. Because I believe in your results and I believe in YOU.


I’ve been in the food marketing space for over a decade, most recently in Chicago and Detroit. I’ve worked with all kinds of businesses from small start-ups to 7-figure international companies. A few years ago, I quit my day job running all email campaigns for the Detroit Red Wings to go full-time into my own thing and that’s when my boutique digital marketing firm was born.

Over the past three years, I’ve built a thriving business helping entrepreneurs hone in on their visual branding, social media, and digital marketing. Let’s just say Instagram is MY JAM. I’m the chick behind the @foodtographyschoool, @cleansimpleeats, @offbeatbutters, and numerous other accounts you may follow! I help my clients with everything from building out 6-figure products and courses, to blog writing, website design, social media strategy & management… the list goes on.

I’m SO HAPPY you’re here!


want to work with me?
